Tinker Bell with Castle 'Grand Jester' Magnetic Figurine (2023) - ID: 028399366378

Tinker Bell with Castle 'Grand Jester' Magnetic Figurine (2023) - ID: 028399366378 Disneyana



Art Type:


Image Size: 
11.25”x5.5”x12.5” total, 10.5”x5.5”x12” base , 3.5”x3”x3.5” tinker bell
Price: $175.00
SKU: 028399366378

A Disney Showcase Collection and Grand Jester Studios magnetic figurine of Tinker Bell flying above Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. The figurine was released by Enesco in 2023 as part of the Disney 100 Years of Wonder series celebrating the Company’s 100th anniversary. Measuring 11.25”x5.5” and 12.5” tall, the figurine is in fine condition and comes with the original 14.5”x7”x14.5” box.

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